Repuesto original BOSCH F016L65351 Correa para cortacésped ROTAK
Repuesto original BOSCH F016L65351 Correa para cortacésped ROTAK
Repuesto original BOSCH F016L65351 Correa para cortacésped ROTAK
Repuesto original BOSCH F016L65351 Correa para cortacésped ROTAK

Repuesto original BOSCH F016L65351 Correa para cortacésped ROTAK

81 Reseñas

Referencia: F016L65351

Correa de repuesto para cortacésped ROTAK de BOSCH

  • Este es un recambio original BOSCH
  • Podemos suministrarle cualquier repuesto para herramientas BOSCH
  • Si no encuentra el repuesto que necesita, contacte con nosotros y le ayudaremos
  • Válido para modelos ROTAK 34/36/37/340/370/1400 ERGOFLEX
Cómpralo antes de las 14:00h y recíbelo mañana (de Lunes a Jueves)
22,42 €


Ref.: Repuesto original BOSCH 2609007851 - Inducido para Tijeras cortasetos BOSCH AdvancedHedgeCut 50/58/60/65/68/70

Todos nuestros productos son originales BOSCH

  • En Patner Iberia le suministramos cualquier repuesto para herramientas BOSCH
  • Si no localiza una pieza de recambio en concreto o no sabe la referencia del repuesto BOSCH o DREMEL que necesita, póngase en contacto con nosotros facilitando los diez dígitos que figuran en la Etiqueta de su herramienta, y le proporcionaremos el número de pieza adecuado

Repuestos originales para herramientas BOSCH

Los repuestos originales para herramientas de la marca BOSCH son ideales para garantizar la durabilidad y el funcionamiento óptimo de los equipos y herramientas eléctricas. Estas piezas de recambio están fabricadas con materiales de alta calidad para garantizar su resistencia y su rendimiento. Además, se asegura que los repuestos cumplan con los estándares de seguridad y calidad de la marca.

También se obtiene una seguridad extra al utilizar repuestos originales de la misma marca que la herramienta, ya que se asegura una compatibilidad perfecta. Los repuestos originales para herramientas de BOSCH están diseñados para un uso prolongado, garantizando un rendimiento óptimo y una excelente calidad a largo plazo.

Compatible con los siguientes modelos:

  • Rotak 34, Rotak 34GC, Rotak 36, Rotak 37, Rotak 340, Rotak 370, Rotak 1400
  • Rotak 34 - 3600H81A00, 3600H81A03, 3600H81A30, 3600H81A32, 3600H81A40, 3600H81A70, 3600H81A72, 3600H82030. 3600H82070, Rotak 34 Ergoflex - 3600H82000, 3600H82040, 3600H820B0, Rotak 34 GC - 3600H81A71, 3600H81A7
  • Rotak 36 - 3600H81B70, 3600H81B73, 3600H82170, Rotak 36 H - 3600H82103
  • Rotak 37 - 3600H81B00, 3600H81B02, 3600H81B30, 3600H81B32, 3600H81B71, 3600H81B74, 3600HA4170, 3600HA4173, Rotak 37 Ergof37 lex - 3600H82100, 3600H82130, Rotak 37 R - 3600H82102
  • Rotak 340 - 3600H81A02, 3600H81A33, Rotak 370 - 3600H81B01, Rotak 370 Ergoflex - 3600H82175
  • Rotak 1400 - 3600H81A01, 3600H81A04
  • Universal Rotak 450 - 3600HB9070, 3600HB9073, Universal Rotak 460 - 3600HB9071, 3600HB9074, Universal Rotak 470 - 3600HB9072, 3600HB9075, Universal Rotak 550 - 3660 0HB9100HB970, 3600HB9174, Universal Rotak 580 - 3600HB9173, 3600HB9175

5 Artículos

En Partner Iberia, somos tu socio global para el suministro de repuestos originales para herramientas BOSCH. Con años de experiencia en el sector, nuestra misión es garantizar que los usuarios de esta prestigiosa marca puedan mantener sus herramientas en perfecto estado de funcionamiento, prolongando su vida útil y maximizando su rendimiento.

Desde nuestro centro de operaciones en Zaragoza, distribuimos repuestos de alta calidad a clientes en todo el mundo, consolidándonos como un referente en el mercado.

BOSCH: Innovación y Fiabilidad

BOSCH es sinónimo de calidad, innovación y confiabilidad. Fundada en 1886, esta empresa alemana ha liderado la industria de herramientas eléctricas gracias a su compromiso con la excelencia. Con una extensa gama de productos, desde taladros y amoladoras hasta sierras y martillos perforadores, BOSCH ha ganado la confianza de profesionales y aficionados en sectores como la construcción, carpintería, mecánica y jardinería.

El éxito de BOSCH radica en su constante inversión en tecnología de vanguardia, lo que le permite ofrecer herramientas que no solo son potentes, sino también seguras y ergonómicas. Sin embargo, como cualquier equipo sometido a un uso intensivo, incluso las herramientas más robustas necesitan mantenimiento y, en ocasiones, repuestos para seguir funcionando al máximo rendimiento.

La Importancia de los Repuestos Originales

Cuando una herramienta presenta signos de desgaste o falla, optar por repuestos originales es la mejor decisión. Los repuestos BOSCH están diseñados específicamente para encajar y funcionar perfectamente con sus herramientas, garantizando así la durabilidad y eficiencia del equipo. Algunas de las principales ventajas de usar repuestos originales son:

  • Compatibilidad perfecta: Cada repuesto está fabricado con las mismas especificaciones que el componente original.
  • Calidad garantizada: Los materiales utilizados cumplen con los estándares más altos, asegurando resistencia y durabilidad.
  • Seguridad en el uso: Los repuestos originales reducen el riesgo de fallos mecánicos que podrían provocar accidentes.
  • Mayor vida útil: Al mantener las herramientas en óptimas condiciones, se prolonga su tiempo de servicio.

En Partner Iberia entendemos la importancia de contar con repuestos auténticos para mantener tus herramientas en condiciones óptimas. Por ello, trabajamos directamente con BOSCH para garantizar que nuestros clientes reciban productos genuinos y de alta calidad.

Reparación de Herramientas: Una Decisión Económica y Ecológica

En lugar de reemplazar una herramienta dañada por una nueva, optar por su reparación tiene numerosos beneficios. Desde una perspectiva económica, reparar es generalmente más asequible que comprar un equipo nuevo. Además, es una decisión responsable desde el punto de vista ecológico, ya que contribuye a reducir los residuos electrónicos y el impacto ambiental.

Como proveedor especializado, en Partner Iberia no solo ofrecemos repuestos, sino también asesoramiento experto sobre el mantenimiento y reparación de herramientas BOSCH. Sabemos que cada pieza cuenta, desde las escobillas de carbón hasta los engranajes o interruptores, y trabajamos para garantizar que puedas encontrar exactamente lo que necesitas.

Información de seguridad


Advertencia: No apto para niños menores de 3 años.

Fabricante/Responsable en la UE

Robert Bosch España, S.L.U.
C/Hermanos García Noblejas 19
28037 Madrid - ESPAÑA

81 Reseñas

Non compatibile misura diversa dall´ originale anche se marcato con lo stesso codice
por Cliente Amazon el 06/04/2024

The belt is a genuine Bosch part which is according to Bosch website is the right part for my Rotak 370ER . It arrived within a few days …However .At the time of ordering I couldn’t get the blade off to dismantle the lawnmower and had to rely on Bosch specification for a 370ER…….WRONG move. With the old one off but the new belt is far too small and according to the number on the old belt it is a 7PJ451. This is just something to be aware of that Bosch have all differing belts that fit various machines. Unfortunately I had opened the plastic bag and got the belt out to check and fit……OOOPS. Now I can’t return it
por Cableguy el 11/11/2023

Works as expected
por Martin R Cann el 01/09/2023

After finding the correct video on YouTube it was quite easy to fit,only wish I had bigger hands, but that would have made it too easy ?, you don´t really notice the decline in performance of the your mower until you fit a new belt and then your whizzing round the garden like a 10 year old ?
por Ray el 18/08/2023

I bought this as a replacement for a Bosch Rotak Mower. It was very tight at first so I had to stretch it a bit before being able to fit it. But when it was on, it´s made a big difference to the overall performance of the mower.
por Andrew Ramsey el 14/08/2023

Ho comprato questa cinghia per il mio tosaerba. Adesso funziona benissimo
por mariella el 13/07/2023

La cinghia è identica per altezza e diametro a quella che si è rotta ( codice f016x65351 ), ma il montaggio non è stato facile. Per il resto nulla da segnalare, la cinghia svolge la sua funzione ed è arrivata anche un paio di giorni prima del previsto.
por Franco Togni el 24/06/2023

Poor fit
por Maggie Lewis el 23/06/2023

This product was easy to source on Amazon and was delivered when they said it would x lawnmower back up and running thankyou
por Karyn Shanks el 18/06/2023

Disponibilità e consegna.
por Furiani el 23/05/2023

Did the job.
por Amazon Customer el 28/04/2023

Risulta piccola mi ha bruciato motore
por Cliente Amazon el 10/01/2023

it looks like the original lets hope it lasts longer.
por RADCOMX el 03/12/2022

Rasenmäher läuft wieder ?
por Torsten Wagner el 16/01/2022

Passt auf einen Rotak 37 Typ 3600H81B02. Identisch wie Teil F016x65351. Aufziehen bedarf handwerkliches Geschick. Schließlich muss der Riemen stramm sitzen und man kann ihn daher nicht einfach so „drüberziehen“. Also nicht gleich verzweifeln wenn der Riemen auf den ersten Blick zu klein erscheint.
por Hakan Gündüz el 27/06/2021

The replacement drive-belt replaced the broken drive-belt and works. Who could have guessed?
por Martin el 18/06/2021

Nonostante le recensioni contrastanti ho acquistato questo articolo xché il codice era corrispondente al quello da sostituire, perfetto. Nn essendo un meccanico ho smontato più del alla fine calza alla perfezione.
por Alberto el 11/06/2021

Buono facile da Montare
por Claudio el 05/06/2021

As advertised
por Amazon Customer el 03/06/2021

È buono, però piccola avevo sbagliato le misure....
por Rosa el 07/05/2021

Ho acquistato la cinghia per riparare il mio taglierba Bosh Rotak 34. A parte lo smontaggio abbastanza facile della carenatura (4 viti in totale), il problema si è presentato con lo smontaggio del motore. Le viti infatti si trovano sulla parte inferiore, dove si accumulano residui di erba e una di queste era totalmente arruginita. Sono comunque riuscito a togliere le tre viti. Per il montaggio della cinghia ho proceduto come segue: tolta la puleggia di plastica dalla sede, inserita la cinghia sul pignone e successivamente spinto in parte la puleggia nella sua sede. Non ci entra compoletamente ma non preoccupatevi, dopo aver azionato il motore entrerà da sola. Dimenticavo: ho riscaldato abbastanza la puleggia con un phon professionale industriale per renderla piu elastica. In sua mancanza potrete farla bollire in acqua per una decina di minuti
por Alessandro Ceroni el 29/04/2021

Super Qualität, passte perfekt. Der Rasenmäher läuft wieder 1a.
por Ottmar el 25/08/2020

Versand zu teuer und leider muss man den Rückversand auch noch selber tragen obwohl das Teil nicht gepasst hat. Bei mir waren das 10,48€ und dafür habe ich nichts bekommen. Für mich hat sich das erledigt werde über amazon nichts mehr bestellen.
por Dietmar el 10/08/2020

The product is of good quality, but if you have a machine which is older than 10 years it will not fit. Because of the motor has had a change of position which makes the belt smaller in diameter and there for it´s 30mm to small to fit may machine although the part number is correct.
por Amazon Customer el 27/07/2020

Dopo il montaggio di questa cinghia non ho più avuto problemi è ottima originale e ne prenderò una ti ricambio per il futuro
por Italo Francesco MINEO el 13/07/2020

Sehr geehrter Damen und Herren ich habe festgestellt das ich den Falsche Riemen bestellt. ich Brauche für den Rasenmöher Bosch 1400-37 R Typ Nummer:3600HA4101 Haben sie passend ? Wen ja werde ich freuen Und darf ich auch den irrtumlicherweise bestelte teil an sie zurück Senden. Mit freundliche grüße
por Amazoner el 12/07/2020

It is perfect for what it´s needed for I only down graded it because royal mail Did not deliver on the day they said
por Amazon Customer el 29/06/2020

The belt only lasted 10 minutes and snapped
por Amazon Customer el 26/04/2020

por pauline jahreis el 16/02/2020

Tricky to fit but done the job
por deacon el 25/10/2019

5 stars because the belt received was exactly what was described and seems good quality. Unfortunately I couldn´t use it because it was much too small for our Rotak 36R. Looking at previous reviews it seemed to be a pretty mixed bag of people saying it went on fine and those who couldn´t understand how it was meant to fit on. For the 36R mower, I noticed that the belt that had snapped and I was trying to replace didn´t have Bosch marked anywhere on it, and the number (MS 7PJ451) didn´t correspond at all to the one shown here. After searching for some images of the motors of other Rotak models, I realised that it´s because they´re not all the same size! Bosch don´t actually list the drive belt number anywhere for the 36R, but it seems to take a Qualcast belt (also, when searching for a video of how to fit a belt for the Rotak, I kept getting suggestions to watch a video for a Qualcast model, which turned out to be exactly the same...). To get the motor working in the end, I bought one that was listed for the Qualcast RM37 model, with 470mm circumference, 16mm height. The original belt I think was more like 450mm circumference, 16mm height, but I couldn´t find the same model anywhere, and the mower is up and running fine with the slightly bigger belt. As others have noted, there was no way this Bosch belt was going to go on without breaking the motor: it´s not the right belt. I´ve added some photos with measurements to hopefully save someone else the faff on that I´ve had (showing the snapped belt, this Bosch belt (the smaller one) and the one meant for the Qualcast model). Moral of the story: don´t assume that it´ll fit just because you´ve got a Rotak model, you might actually need a Qualcast belt!
por sec el 08/08/2019

The belt came quickly to the house It was a little bit difficult to fit , but using a screwdriver and softening the belt in boiling water before you fit the belt is easier Has been running fine for weeks.
por grahame waldron el 26/07/2019

Fitted in 10 minutes. I´ve never done it before. Took my time and fitted the belt round the blade disk first. Rotated the whole disk with drive belt around motor shaft, back and forth slowly and fitted it.
por George Kouloumbis el 26/06/2019

Arrivato subito
por Elisa.G el 10/06/2019

Montata sul tagliaerba e perfettamente funzionante
por Silvia el 28/03/2019

por daniel el 05/01/2019

Idem qu´en magasin
por Gola el 28/12/2018

Great product works well
por thehappycyclist el 19/06/2018

Produit conforme à notre besoin. Facile à remplacer pour un apprenti bricoleur même sans notice d´utilisation.. Cette notice serait un plus.
por Corinne JURGENS el 15/06/2018

si coincide el código, pero no vale para la máquina que la compré , un poco pequeña, que pena. me serviría con un par de mm mas grande, otra vez será.
por Mercedes el 14/10/2017

Sono un meccanico!!È un po´ più piccola di quella originale e per ciò non può essere montata!! Ne ho comprati due ma ma nessuna delle due va!! 40 euro buttati via!!
por 3r10n el 26/08/2017

Came back off holiday and found the mower had given up the ghost and was contemplating a replacement as the only spares seemed to be the cutting blade; however, when I took it apart I found that the drive belt had snapped. A search around for the replacement part was looking a bit of a lost issue as the reference from the broken belt could not be found. I then found a snippet of information in that this belt is the replacement part for the F016X65351 which is the original factory fitted version, so no different in dimensions. It took a little amount of time to get the belt fitted, although not to the degree that some people have reported, and the drive assembly put back together but I now have a functioning mower again. Well worth the time and effort.
por Tony C.. el 09/08/2017

Upgraded my rating from 1 star. The first time I tried to fit belt for over two hours, just distorts the position of the shaft. I went on line and found instructions. Even then it is not at all easy but managed to fit eventually. Not an easy DIY job. It took repeated attempts, patients and time.
por Ukjlh el 22/06/2017

Individuazione del prodotto molto facile, consegna perfetta e veloce. Prezzo in linea. Ho effettuato la sostituzione e il tosaerba è tornato a funzionare! Stefano
por Cliente Amazon el 09/01/2017

It fits and now my lawnmower works. Not much more I can say.
por Matt S el 07/01/2017

Je suis très mécontent de la Sté Bosh, de la Sté Bricomarché et de ce vendeur. Acheter une tondeuse électrique de marque prêt de 200 € pour que sa courroie tombe se casse en deux en moins d´1 an, la Sté qui vous la vend est incapable de vous trouver une courroie de remplacement et vous indique que ce n´ai pas pris en charge dans le cadre de la garantie et un vendeur qui vous transmet la mauvaise courroie (Normal, le service client de la Sté Bosh vous explique qu´il n´existe pas de pièce détachée pour votre tondeuse ... le marchant ne peut donc pas vous en vendre). Résultat des courses, achat d´une nouvelle tendeuse de 450 € (Hybride) dans un magasin physique avec l´assurance d´avoir des pièces de rechanges.
por Niki13 el 30/12/2016

Anche se con lo stesso codice di quella rotta risulta più corta . Di conseguenza maggior sforzo motore raserba e rischio rottura.
por Santaga Mirco el 21/12/2016

No doubt this is a good product. Unfortunately my husband a difficult few days trying to get the belt to fit. He tried soaking it in hot water etc but to no avail. Every time he more or less got it on it distorted the housing, which then wouldn´t align to refit the cover. We ended up buying a new mower.
por Margaret McCusker el 18/09/2016

Arrived on time, it´s only a belt but works perfectly so far
por Happy Shopper el 15/09/2016

por Paul Rogers el 09/08/2016

I agree it´s a little difficult to get on, after trying a few different things, I managed by having belt around the smaller motor spindle, stretching it as far as I could (tried the boiling water soak, made no difference I dont think) around the larger spindle then rotated the larger spindle until it all went on. I had to keep pressure on the belt on the motor spindle as it will ride up. Then once on, continue to wind round until in place.
por Ross el 26/07/2016

anche per questo prodotto che era difficile la reperibilita nella mia citta in pochissimo tempo grazie ad Amazon sono riuscito ad ottenerlo, montaggio un po piu complesso ma riuscito
por pietro el 22/07/2016

Gave up with this and bough a Rotak 43 after trying everything. I´m sure it must work on some motors. I ended up breaking the housing on mine when trying to get it into place. Not just a strength issue, clearly...
por Peter R. el 16/07/2016

Lång lev.tid, men inget annat utlovat.
por Amazon Customer el 23/06/2016

es exactamente lo que yo necesitaba....muy rápido el envío, estoy muy contento con esta compra...volvería a comprar cuando me hiciera falta nuevamente
por Ed el 05/06/2016

A little difficult to fit by once in place mower as good as new
por essexman el 19/05/2016

tagliaerba rinato. non mi è stato semplice alloggiare la cinghia ma penso sia dovuto alla mia inesperienza in materia e alla paura di romperla.
por Nicola el 16/05/2016

This is the listed part number for a Bosch Rotak 370 ER mower but it is clearly the wrong part. It is too small and the belt it replaces has another part number that is unavailable. Contacted Bosch 2 weeks ago and they have only sent me the standard "your query is important" reply. Clearly not important enough to actually bother replying. As far as I can tell, some Rotak 370 mowers have a different motor than listed, so if buying for that be aware - this belt is several cm too small and no amount of hot water is ever going to make it fit.
por Sir Furboy el 05/05/2016

por Cliente Amazon el 15/03/2016

Good quality and does not brake
por Amazon Customer el 11/11/2015

Unfortunately, I was unable to put this on the Bosch lawnmover. It was too small. I can see that others have tried and been successful. Clearly not for DIY.
por Hitesh el 04/09/2015

BRILLIANT.ordered it and it was with me in no time, and the item was just has described....Thankyou.
por CHRISTOPHER PEART el 31/08/2015

Can´t say that I "love" any form of drive belt. Hence only 4 stars to say I like it. Purchased as a spare for previous spare, and haven´t yet put it to use, but the original lasted very well so hopefully this one won´t see service any time soon
por diyevets el 07/08/2015

Exactly what we needed delivered the next day thankyou
por Tina Hartley el 16/07/2015

Der gelieferte Artikel ist ein Originalbauteil und entspricht der Beschreibung. Ein Einbau ist wegen der geringen flexibilität des Bauteils schwierig, man sollte über entsprechende Erfahrungen verfügen.
por D. Noack el 23/06/2015

Successful lawn mower repair
por nssm41 el 10/06/2015

I do not know what the fuss is about regarding fitting the replacement belt. Yes it was a tight fit, it has to be. I had no need to soak in hot water or remove the large pulley and I had never done this before. The belt I placed half on the large pulley and wound the pulley with the belt half on the small pulley. This makes it really easy to stretch the belt over the pulleys. Continuing rotating the large pulley I slowly pushed the belt down the small pulley into the correct grooves. The belt lines up with the large pulley after a couple of more turns. QED. My belt was supplied by Country Gardening at £11.50 inc first class post. Very cheap for a genuine Boshe belt.
por Cambrian L. el 13/05/2015

Puntuale nel recapito come d´abitudine e perfetta nell´imballaggio, Amazon. Il prodotto è una parte di ricambio assolutamente indispensabile all´occorrenza. Deve sostituirsi ogniqualvolta la cinghia originale si spezza (il mio caso), o si allenta per usura. Il prezzo è in linea con quanto offre il mercato dei ricambi. La sostituzione è leggermente impegnativa, ma basta osservare con attenzione le viti da smontare e inserire la cinghia tra rotore (perno motore elettrico) e puleggia (collegata all´elica tagliatrice) e il gioco è fatto
por geniù el 27/11/2014

Didn´t Fit :-(
por madanjo el 10/10/2014

This is an adequate product although the seller really should explain that the belt need to be dipped in hot water to stretch and make the installation easy
por Trinity el 17/09/2014

Tra l´altro, ho avuto anche la sorpresa di vedere sul sito che la spedizione era stata consegnata quando io non avevo ricevuto nulla. Mi ero forzato di rimanere a casa tutta mattina e tutto pomeriggio per attendere il corriere ma verso le sei di sera ho dovuto chiamare amazon per capire cosa stava succedendo. E poi ho scoperto che nella pausa pranzo, il pacco era stato consegnato ad un vicino (con il quale non erano stati presi accordi). Per la serie, se apposto quando arrivano i corrieri, potrei rubare un sacco di merce!!! Montato l´articolo, ho dovuto rismontarlo perché non è uguale alla cinghia rotta, risulta leggermente più piccolo e di dimensioni diverse. L´articolo ricevuto, riporta esattamente il codice F016L65351 eppure la cinghia rotta ed originale è diversa in forma e dimensioni.
por Angelo el 12/09/2014

Arrivata velocemente e con ottimo imballo. corrisponde perfettamente al prodotto sostituito anche se con codice diverso. Molto molto soddisfatto !
por Mauri el 11/09/2014

How on earth is anyone fitting these? There´s no give whatsoever and it´s about 1/2 an inch short of fitting. It´s the exact belt i need according to the number on it but cannot fathom how it´ll stretch to fit
por Eagleeee el 02/08/2014

arrived when it said it would and fitted perfectly.
por Davina Wells el 04/07/2014

Correa de cortacesped Bosch. Es el producto de la referencia, sin ningun problema. Llego muy rapido antes del plazo establecido.
por Guillermo Luque Puertolas el 09/06/2014

Didn´t fit at all, tried everything but wouldn´t give wasted two hours on this so had to buy another one.
por sa thompson el 05/06/2014

After reading the reviews for this and others for the same belt I wasn´t really sure what to expect. However its not as hard as others have made out.... Removed the drive unit from its housing and also removed the large pulley the mower as well leaving its lower bearing in the plastic housing. Put the belt in a bowl of boiling water to let it expand slightly as it is too tight otherwise to get it to fit. Placed the belt over the drive pulley then forced the larger pulley round by hand to drag the belt over the two pulleys. At this point the larger pulley is slightly angled and it looks like it won´t fit back into the lawnmower. Lined up the grooves on the drive pulley then put the whole assembly back into the lawnmower. Using a bit of brute strength, put the larger pulley shaft back into its bearing then push the whole assembly back into position. Tighten up the screws and voila. Took about 5 minutes to put it back together - an hour to initially take it apart without breaking anything :-)
por Gaz el 02/05/2014

This drive belt is impossible to fit, don´t waste your money. Soaked the belt in hot water before fitting as advised on utube and still wouldn´t fit. Don´t buy the lawnmower, the web is full of negative reviews
por rita el 29/01/2014

I really had no problem with the quality of this item, but putting in on was an entirely different kettle of goldies. I found the belt would unseat slightly the spindle assembly and pull it towards the motor axil. In the end, almost defeated, and my children wearing ear defenders to block out the profanities propagating from their dad, I decided to try and put the whole assembly back into the chassis and see if the chassis would line the spindle assembly for me. It did, but it was awkward as I had to keep pressure on it to get the first screw in. Good luck, it isn´t easy putting this thing on. ps. The mower has been used twice now with no ill effects.
por Mr. Thomas J. Foster el 10/09/2013

Quite Difficult To Fit, But I Expected That, But Arrived Earlier Than Expected. And A Lot Cheaper Than Expected For Genuine Parts.
por Dave gaffney el 27/07/2013

The belt saved me from having to buy a new mower. It was VERY hard to fit but worth the effort.
por brendan s el 26/06/2013
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